Selected posts from the popular blog Your Rainforest Mind along with specific strategies and resources to guide your journey back to authenticity, purpose, love, and to finally deciding what color to paint your living room. Have you been told that you’re too sensitive, too dramatic, too verbal, too smart, too curious, and too intense? Do you feel like not enough and too much at the same time? Do you ask yourself: If I’m so smart, why am I so dumb? Yes? Then, chances are, you have a rainforest mind. A mind that runs faster, wider, and deeper than most. A personhood that is highly sensitive, perceptive, and empathetic. Like the tropical rainforest, you’re extremely complex, full of life, and misunderstood. You have the ability to make a significant contribution to society but you’re being cut down before you can find your way. Let this book help you find your way. Take a journey into your rainforest mind.
Boek: Journey Into Your Rainforest Mind, Paula Prober
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