Onderzoek: Cultivating the social–emotional imagination in gifted education: insights from educational neuroscience

Onderzoek: Cultivating the social–emotional imagination in gifted education: insights from educational neuroscience


Evidence from education, psychology, and neuroscience suggests that investing in the development of the social–emotional imagination is essential to cultivating giftedness in adolescents. Nurturing these capacities may be especially effective for promoting giftedness in students who are likely to lose interest and ambition over time. Giftedness is frequently equated with high general intelligence as measured by IQ tests, but this narrow conceptualization does not adequately capture students’ abilities to utilize their talents strategically to fully realize their future possible selves. The brain’s default mode network is thought to play an important role in supporting imaginative thinking about the self and others across time. Because this network’s functioning is temporarily attenuated when individuals engage in task‐ and action‐oriented focus (mindsets thought to engage the brain’s executive attention network), we suggest….

Gemaakt door:

Rebecca Gotlieb

Mary Helen Immordino-Yang

Elizabeth Hyde

Jaar: 2016


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